The term like limited partnership or LP is becoming more and more popular these days. Business owners who like to establish a new business internationally are looking forward to establish a LP these days. They are really showing a great interest with such an option, as they know that it can bring a wide range of benefits for them. And when you want to set up partnership New Zealand, at this offshore jurisdiction, you will receive the advantages of doing business offshore and the traditional taxation structure that is going to benefit you in many ways. So before you go for it, you must know more about the LP NZ. As a foreign investor, you will always be considered as a partner to that particular business. Due to this reason, you will be taxed as the partner. As you are a limited partner, the income you generate outside of this country will also not be taxed. The NZ LP is always tax free. Such a limited partner can also maintain a different legal identity.
Setting Up partnership New Zealand
Setting up partnership New Zealand can also bring several attractive business formation products for you. It’s the limited partnership like thing was introduced in New Zealand with the prime aim to attract more number of foreign investors as well as the venture capitalists. And this has really managed to deliver great outcome.
It’s the government of New Zealand that has also hand picked certain vital features associated with the other LP and offshore regimes and merged them with their own system. And this has made the whole system even more powerful and effective.